Gengars’s Valentine’s Day Flash


Valentines Day Flash at SLC Banning only! You and your partner, friend, or best enemy can each get one of these flash designs for only $100 each! Pieces are  approx. 3″ x 3″, in black and grey, or have an accent color of your choosing. $30 deposit due to claim each 2-person time slot, full price is $200 for two people (balance due when you come in).

Appointments available on Monday, February 14th at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm. If the time slot is not in the menu, it’s already been booked. Appointment time slot is for you and a plus one, one tattoo each. You can select whichever design you want when you arrive.

SKU: G - Gengars's Valentines california 2022 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,


Additional information

Dimensions 3 × 3 in
Choose a Time Slot!

1 PM, 10 AM, 4 PM

Pay Now:

Pay Entire Balance, Pay Minimum Deposit